WANTED: The Jolly Green Jackass CRIME: left this bar loaded at a height that no mortal human can possibly reach. #PutYourWeightsAway #GymEtiquette#DontBeAJackass #theGYMkc
Dumbbells should be re-racked in matching pairs and organized by littlest to biggest. We learned this in Kindergarten ... and it still applies as adults. Bottomline: if you are strong enough to pick it up the first time, you are strong enough to put it back where it belongs ... consider it a full range of motion [from rack to lift and back to rack]. #theGYMkc #GymEtiquette#DontBeAJackass
theGYMkc How To: Put Away Weight Plates - Part 1: "Almost, but not quite." These fancy "trees" aren't just for taking up space or looking pretty ... they're functional too! They are actually designed to hold/store/organize weight plates. It's good #GymEtiquette to put the plates back on these racks when you are done lifting them. Leaning them against the tree or placing them beside the tree is "Almost, but not quite" re-racking your weights. Round peg, round hole. You do the math. #theGYMkc #DontBeAJackass #GettinShitDone!
Ham-per: nounA basket used for holding dirty laundry until it can be washed [Not to be confused with Facebook]. We provide sweat towels for member use while at #theGYMkc. We also provide multiple laundry hampers at each location for members to put used towels in. USE THEM. Understand that leaving your towels anywhere but in the hamper is a jackass move. No one wants to pick up your sweaty towel. If you accidentally take a towel home, bring it back. We promise we won't get mad, and we'll gladly wash that towel and reunite it with its towel friends. #DontBeAJackass #GettinShitDone
April 2024