In this "Ask an Expert SERIES," Kip [from Solaris Massage] and Andee [from Andee's Flight School] were caught on video smashing the "Deep Squat to Pop Up" exercise ... and Kip asked: "Is this a thang ... and if so, what are we doing right and what can we improve on?" I'll tell you that you two are AWESOME because you are motivating each other to go the extra mile. Working out with a partner can be that extra push you need. It also provides someone to talk to [unless you are completely out of breath] ... and it provides someone who can empathize with the pain that you are going to feel in the coming days. You'll notice that Kip's range of motion is different than Andee's range of motion [and that is completely acceptable]. EVERYONE'S range of motion is going to be different ... and you must understand and accept that fact ... and you need to learn what you can and cannot do properly/safely. Pushing yourself to the point of injury is NOT what you want to accomplish. Remember: it is not ever about a particular number of repetitions that you want to achieve ... it's about pushing yourself to a limit ... but not BEYOND that limit. | FRONT VIEW:To answer Kip's question: "What are we doing right?" You are definitely sitting back into that squat which really targets your booty. Your goal should be to achieve an almost 90-degree angle with your knees at the bottom of the squat. You want to make sure your knees are not jutting out in front of your toes. Make sure to keep most of your weight pressing through your heels. Check out my step-by-step instructions on how to execute the CHAIR SQUAT in theGYMkc's EXERCISE DIRECTORY. Also make sure that you aren't overly arching your back as to avoid back strain. |
REAR VIEW [heehee]: | This full-body exercise not only works your upper body and your lower body ... it also increases your heart rate ... so there's a cardio element included. To answer Kip's other question: "What can we improve on?" I want you to really focus on when you start getting fatigued. If you feel like your form is suffering, it is time to take a break. The only thing that I noticed in these videos is that as you are squatting, your knees were beginning to look unstable. It's better to slow down your pace to assure that your knees remain stationary as you squat back. Keep up the GREAT work, girls! |