The FDA standard serving size for ice cream is 1/2 cup. If you aren't careful, you might scoop up more than you realize. When dishing it out, try to visualize a tennis-ball size portion ... that equals approximately 1 serving. Try using a smaller bowl when eating ice cream. It's been known that the bigger the bowl ... the more you'll eat. So opt in for a smaller bowl and a smaller waistline. |
If you love to bake but have a hard time controlling yourself around cookies, scoop the dough into an ice cube tray, freeze it, and pop the cubes into a freezer bag. Then the next time a craving comes on, stick one in the toaster oven, suggests Heather Bauer RD, author of Bread Is the Devil. "The freezer keeps cookies out of sight, and baking them individually forces you to practice portion control," she says. |